Blogging with Wirehead

Guest blogger Alan Wirehead: tansiers are world smallest monkey.monkey politics are all the rage amongst jungle dwellers. However while the tansier is so small it does not prescribe to the typicAl monkey hierarchy. A tansier uses its superior intelligence to maintain a solid dictatorship over it’s primate peers.

This is not art workshop

I am heading up to Newcastle now on the train. DAg ARt is running a workshop on sticker art today as part of the This Is Not Art festival. Starting at 12pm. I am looking forward to a long weekend of art, sound, music, zines and debauchery.

Post workshop now. All went well, we had an ok turn out. And some good stickers were made. Bring on the rest of the TINA festivities.

As it turns out the TINA festivities proved quite good. As always there was more partying than seminars and workshops. As is the nature of it.

Here is a vid by gerant(1/3 of DAg ARt) inluding some of the workshop and his surrounding day:

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